Dogs off a leash in parks

5 Apr 2004
It seems like every time I'm walking through a park with my kids that someone's dog will bound towards them being overly friendly. I know the dogs aren't being aggressive but it scares my 4 and 2 year old when the dog jumps up and puts it's paws on them or tries and steals some food they might be eating.

Often were just on our own, minding our own business away from other people.

I now feel like dog owners shouldn't come near young children if their dog is off a lead, as I'm fed up of it happening and I don't want my kids to be scared of dogs.
Dogs MUST be under control at all times. Be it on a leash or not. If the owner cannot recall their dog when its bounding towards kids they need telling!!

Owner of 2 dogs
We told today's owner that they need to keep control of their dog and not come near kids. They were friendly enough but said it was only a couple of months old and needed to learn... My son had a small scratch on his face. Again the dog wasn't actually being aggressive but for a small child a dog jumping on you is a big deal.

From now on I need to more proactively keep unleashed dogs away from kids, even if it upsets owners.
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It really is pathetic in this country that dogs can't enjoy the park or the beach etc, without these kids running amok. The kid's and/or parents should have their faces rubbed in dog muck.

Being slightly more serious, I know there are soooo many owners out there that don't take training their dogs properly but I think when you are at a park you have to expect there will be dogs, they will be off lead and some of them will be overly friendly. Obviously jumping up is a bit or a no no. But if it's because kids are walking around with food at a low eye level then as a parent you should be a little wiser with the situation.

I think you have to have a bit of an expectation that at parks there will be off lead dogs that may not always be perfectly behaved so have your wits about you. Parks are one of the few places where dogs can have a bit of proper freedom. You have to expect the odd dog encounter.

Fine, dog owners can learn to expect me kicking their dog if it comes anywhere near me.

As I said, we keep to ourselves so don't walk your chavy dog towards young kids who are also enjoying the open space.
If the dog is just being playful rather than agressive, then an unprovoked attack by you is likely to get you bitten by the dog and then your actions would cause the dog to be put down. What a lovely attitude.

** If the dog is actually being agressive then I agree.

For the record as this keeps coming up. My response was because of the suggestion that we caused the situation. My response was flippant and I wouldn't go around kicking dogs... But I also don't want them near my children when we are minding our own business.
Simple, dont go to the park.

So nearly every time you go to the park:
-a dog bounds towards you and you kids
-said dog puts its paws on them and steals some food.

What a load of roblox :rolleyes: What's next every time you have a family picnic in the park a friendly neighbourhood bear, let us call him Yogi, tries to steal your food.

What are you even on about?
Yes, understandable really.

And even British kids born here from those cultures will still unfortunately have that sort of fear instilled from their parents or grandparents (where we get a lot of our phobias)

That's why the parents posting saying their kids are scared, are slightly confusing me.

Are you sure they aren't getting that fear from you?
No. I grew up with dogs and feel comfortable with them. I just don't want them jumping all over my kids when we're out in a very open space and there's literally 100s of meters somewhere else the dog owner could have walked instead of towards us. (Young kids move very slowly)
No, just any dog they simply don't like the look of, apparently. :p
This is what being down the pub after a football match must feel like...
This thread has lost all rationality. It started with young children being jumped on by a dog, which is potentially a dangerous situation even if the dog is being friendly. People aren't going around punting dogs because they don't like them.
Thought people in this thread would appreciate this.

Plasterer turned up with his dog this morning. Took me by surprise not really knowing what to say. He's working in a extension to the house, which is currently isolated.
Didn't ask if it was ok, just seemed to think it was normal and acceptable...
Learn to handle confrontation then, running off to the internet isn't going to help your issues with dogs.

You're well within your rights to say you don't want his dog on your property.

Thanks for the advice.

I grew up with dogs so generally I don't have issues with them.

However with the post you're referring to, I don't think it's acceptable to assume that it's ok to bring your dog to someone's house.

I had a conversation with the plasterer and it's all sorted now.
What was the outcome?
The dogs in the van and he pops out to see it. This was after the dog ran through the house when I opened the door to talk with him.

The house is reasonably separated from the building work but we do occasionally have to go through it.

He wouldn't normally bring it to work but he had reasons today.
True but I don't go round kicking dogs, i.e I can pick my battles.
And neither do I. I just got fed up of loyal dog owners essentially saying it's our fault that a dog came up to my kids and jumped on them. Then the amount of projection about reasons why people/kids may deserve a reaction from a dog. It's ridiculous.
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