Doh! - schoolboy water cooling error.

10 Dec 2004
Irvine, California
Openned my case up for the first time in ages today to see how much clearance I had between the Restorator block / tubes on my GFX card and the bottom PCI slot on my mobo.

Discovered the outlet tube was pinched as it bent around towards the exit PCI plate. Christ knows how long its been like that.

Anyway, sorted it out and low and behold my temps have dropped about 6C under load.

I feel such a noob :rolleyes:
Dutch Guy said:
That's why they make windows to put in the side of the case ;)

And here i was thinking they where made to look tacky and show off neon lights:)

just messing, some windows look nice.

Kinks in tubing can be a big problem, best bet is to leave lots of tubing spare for large radius cornering.
I once made the other n00b fault of forgetting to plug in the waterpump and being surprised that the CPU temp rose to 90C :o
Dutch Guy said:
I once made the other n00b fault of forgetting to plug in the waterpump and being surprised that the CPU temp rose to 90C :o

oh yea i done that... i was installing a fan controler and unplugged the pump to bring the 12V round,
and yea forgot to kinda plug it back in .
my PC just switched off. and would cut out after 10 secs strating up. i touvhed the waterblock and almost got a blister lol.
'narrowed' it down to the pump not being plgged in..
its all sorted now though :)
as u said... school boy error :P
This thread's just a school boy circus... nubs.

actually i'm forever turning my rad upside down thinking it's empty and having a load of water pour out all over the floor. :)
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