Dolby Digital Out from PC Games...

19 Jan 2003
Bristol, UK
I notice that Max Payne 2 is in Dolby Digital, as are many games now.

My PC is connected to my Amp via a digital coax cable and when playing DVD's in WinDVD they are played through my seperates in true Dolby Digital 5.1.

I can only get games, like Max Payne 2 to output a stereo signal via the computers SPDIF out.

Any ideas if it's possible?
Phil99 said:
You need either:
A "normal" soundcard can't encode to Dolby Digital on the fly without using up some extreme CPU time.

I have an NF4 mobo which uses some sort of Realtek device.

Is DD Encoded? I thought it comes straight from the game and the Amp does the decoding part. That's how DVD work anyway, do games differ?
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