Domain name renewal/transfer - .com

18 Oct 2002
I have a .com domain and my provider only gives me three sub-domains so I want to transfer to an alternative provider. The problem is that the domain expires in a few days (3rd December) so is it better to renew it with my current provider and then transfer it at a later data when it's safely registered or to transfer it now and try and renew it with my new provider? Is it even that easy with a .com domain?

Thanks for looking :)
if you transfer a .com address you have to extend your registry for a further year every time i believe, so by transferring it should be extended by a year anyway

i would check with the host you are transferring too to see if they can sort it that quick, cant see it being a problem
Renew it now *then* transfer it or it may expire.

We've had this happen recently due to uber-useless registrars and for the sake of a few quid it's better safe than sorry :)
If your domain has anything less than 2 weeks of registration left on it - renew first and then move it.
Do not take the risk with a domain name because people do watch, they do wait for them to drop and before you know it you've got somebody else owning your domain and asking a lot more than the cost of an extra years registration for it.

You should be able to transfer a domain in 24-48hrs, sometimes a lot less.
At the same time, one little hold up and then the domain slips into redemption periods and then it all generally gets a lot messier.
Depending on your registrar, you should be able to unlock the domain for transfer and transfer to your new one. The transfer process takes about 5 days, and again, depending on your registrar, 5 days over the exipry date wont make a difference.

Domains generally stay working for 30 days after the expiry date, from then the domain will slip into redemption period, where it will cost you about £200 to renew. Depending on the registrars redemption length, after this the domain will be deleted and available to the public.

It's not that easy for someone to snap up a domain, the owner would have to be very sloppy in order to miss.

I've transferred many domains that have expired, all without problems. I'd give it a go at least, if it fails, then renew it with your current registrar.
monkeysmith said:
Depending on your registrar, you should be able to unlock the domain for transfer and transfer to your new one. The transfer process takes about 5 days, and again, depending on your registrar, 5 days over the exipry date wont make a difference.

Domains generally stay working for 30 days after the expiry date, from then the domain will slip into redemption period, where it will cost you about £200 to renew. Depending on the registrars redemption length, after this the domain will be deleted and available to the public.

It's not that easy for someone to snap up a domain, the owner would have to be very sloppy in order to miss.

I've transferred many domains that have expired, all without problems. I'd give it a go at least, if it fails, then renew it with your current registrar.
When my domains expire, they go to a holding differs per registrar/extension, and the only way to find out is probably not the good way in terms of continual operaton :p
if you let the domain expire and Google detects it over a period of time - there is a possibility that it will get blacklisted (and removed from Google index). To get it back on Google will be a lot of work and lost time.
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