Domain name

19 May 2004
If I want a website aimed at the uk market but then want roll it out on a per county level and keep it individual counties then what is the best way of sorting domain names out?
The site will be WordPress based but want searching as simple as possible. Are there plugging that would automatically select the area based on ip address?
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
If I want a website aimed at the uk market but then want roll it out on a per county level and keep it individual counties then what is the best way of sorting domain names out?
The site will be WordPress based but want searching as simple as possible. Are there plugging that would automatically select the area based on ip address?

Not sure, but there are plugins that translate the site for you. User just selects country and bam, it's done. Can slow sites down though and I think you can choose the languages that it shows in.

Not to mention, I am sure some browsers if not all offer translating for each website. It's not perfect but does work.
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