Domain Suggestion

18 Oct 2002
I own which used to be a business site (changed due to business name change) and now its doing nothing.

Any suggestions as to what it could be used for? I have no ideas what so ever! :(
The business I run deals with web / graphic design and development etc.. so not really looking to go down that line, should have put that in my first post :)
I wouldn't imagine it would be worth more than the registration fee, unless it carries sentimental value to someone. A quick Google doesn't reveal any websites containing the phrase who would seem immediately interested in taking it off your hands.

You could make use of it for some sort of a graphics tutorial site, to redirect to your business' new homepage or just let it die :)
I'll buy it off you...I swear my mission is to get every single domain in the world parked on top of :D

(NB: I won't really buy it off you, sorry)
go with my idea, so simple to get a blog and gallery up on the net now days so why not sure you may have some cheeky snaps you would like to host for all the world to see!
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