Donald Trump

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It failed to trickle down for Regan, Bush, Kansas and Trump - so I would say America's voodoo economics of tax cuts for the rich are largely a failure (unless you're in the 1%).
It failed to trickle down for Regan, Bush, Kansas and Trump - so I would say America's voodoo economics of tax cuts for the rich are largely a failure (unless you're in the 1%).

You didn't answer the question, do you think there are any benefits to taxing rich people less? You had a snide jab, I know trying to get people to actually nail down an opinion on here that could perhaps be ridiculed or debated is a difficult thing
You didn't answer the question, do you think there are any benefits to taxing rich people less? You had a snide jab, I know trying to get people to actually nail down an opinion on here that could perhaps be ridiculed or debated is a difficult thing
Snide jab? What are you on about? And I answered your question (in part) - there are benefits - to the rich. These (American) tax cuts are always sold as been good for the working and middle class and for some strange reason - that never really materialises. Supply side economics and the Laffer Curve have yet to show their worth in any meaningful way.

Not sure what you are tying to get at. Is that how you see the world - as long as there is one benefit that makes something worthwhile, even if it's a failure/way more negatives overall?
Could you explain to me what the benefits are to giving tax cuts to "rich people", if you believe there are any? Or do you think giving tax cuts to "rich people" is purely a negative thing?

I think there are people far more in need in society of a tax cut than the rich and there is only so much money to go around. Trickle down has never worked and will never work. The difference it will make to someones life of a say 5% cut to someone earning 20k compared to someone earning 200k or 2 million are clear.
You didn't answer the question, do you think there are any benefits to taxing rich people less? You had a snide jab, I know trying to get people to actually nail down an opinion on here that could perhaps be ridiculed or debated is a difficult thing
Projecting much?

Of course there are benefits to taxing the rich less, very few things are ever purely negative, however for society in general it has a net negative effect.
I think there are people far more in need in society of a tax cut than the rich and there is only so much money to go around. Trickle down has never worked and will never work. The difference it will make to someones life of a say 5% cut to someone earning 20k compared to someone earning 200k or 2 million are clear.

That's false, money is printed, there's an infinite amount of money. If we had matter replicators then we would have infinite material wealth too. The problem is when you take away capital from the people who research and develop products and services and are highly productive and give it to people who are economically unproductive it actually damages society, it doesn't make it better. People who earn less need to gain skills and increase their economic output, you can't make someone more productive by incentivising them to continue being unproductive, it's backwards. What you need is to increase the opportunity people have to gain skills, you will always have poor people, that's not a problem as long as poor people have opportunity. Demonising rich people as if they're hoarding wealth is ridiculous, saying things like "there's only so much money to go around" just shows you have a fundamental lack of understanding of how the economy works, it's actually laughable - I don't think people who say things like that even deserve a vote.
Reminder that Russia Collusion was a hoax to cover up their own corruption and election meddling.

Ah Mr child sexual assault cover up man himself and GOP attack dog. Shame he wasn't as concerned for those kids hey. You really should stop watching Fox. It will rot what is left of your brain. Personally I don't watch any of the news stations.
That's false, money is printed, there's an infinite amount of money. If we had matter replicators then we would have infinite material wealth too. The problem is when you take away capital from the people who research and develop products and services and are highly productive and give it to people who are economically unproductive it actually damages society, it doesn't make it better. People who earn less need to gain skills and increase their economic output, you can't make someone more productive by incentivising them to continue being unproductive, it's backwards. What you need is to increase the opportunity people have to gain skills, you will always have poor people, that's not a problem as long as poor people have opportunity. Demonising rich people as if they're hoarding wealth is ridiculous, saying things like "there's only so much money to go around" just shows you have a fundamental lack of understanding of how the economy works, it's actually laughable - I don't think people who say things like that even deserve a vote.

Rich don't even hoard money as well, if you have a million pounds, how much of that is cash? 5%? Less?

The money is out there in the economy, working, employing people and being spent.
Reminder that Russia Collusion was a hoax to cover up their own corruption and election meddling.

Obama’s whole world is about to fall apart.

You heard his “leaked” (staged) reaction, right before the bombs get dropped? He should be ******** bricks right now, he authorised the whole thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up getting impeached.
Obama’s whole world is about to fall apart.

You heard his “leaked” (staged) reaction, right before the bombs get dropped? He should be ******** bricks right now, he authorised the whole thing. I wouldn’t be surprised if he ends up getting impeached.

LoL - That is the most absurd thing i seen you post in a while. Where is the evidence its all just conjecture and made up by your wild CTs with no substance. Trump can bs all he wants but even he can't detract the Russians did meddle with the US elections that is a fact shared by virtually by all US intelligence agencies, but of course you totally ignore that, ignore all the public statements that corroborate the facts, ignore all the testimonies from numerous government officials that testified and confirmed Russian interference. Yet you still peddle this nonsense with the usual TDF characters that back you up. Laughable.
Citation needed.

Citations may be needed if you had been asleep for the past 4 years. Otherwise you would have noticed with the amount of criminals(most close personal friends or associates of Trump), firings, perversions of justice, 100's of stooge Judges appointed, the impeachment. List is near endless, all down to Trumps corruption.
“Corroborate facts” is something you need to work on

But I love it, keep mocking me. Just makes victory sweeter

That's funny cant refute anything but then try to mock. Victory? you need to accept reality and the factual evidence first before you can do anything else. Is Barr going to work down all the list of indictments and arrests? It still wont change the facts.
Citations may be needed if you had been asleep for the past 4 years. Otherwise you would have noticed with the amount of criminals(most close personal friends or associates of Trump), firings, perversions of justice, 100's of stooge Judges appointed, the impeachment. List is near endless, all down to Trumps corruption.

I’ve never seen the concrete evidence of those things. I’ve seen plenty of Orange Man Bad drones repeat this nonsense though.
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