Donation: A couple of steam game codes

29 Sep 2010
Never going to use them.

Skulls of the Shogun link sent to Mr Badger.
KickBeat Steam Edition given away elsewhere.

One per person.
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There's subforum for giveaways you might want to try there dude I'm sure someone will snap them up in no time!

It is for those with a post count high enough perhaps...

Not sure what the post count for entry is but it's above my current 400ish for example.

People have given codes away in the Daily Deals thread in the past however lurkers often take them and don't give thanks... which of course I understand is the purpose of allowing limited access to the giveaway thread.
Yeah I dont have 1000 posts and not likely to for a long time. If they dont go in this thread then stuff it. Makes no odds to me. Title is clear enough.
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