Done it.......BUT.....

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2 Oct 2004
N.W London

After my requests most of the day for JS code for vertical drop down menus I discovered the easiest way to tackle my task was to infact start again and you CSS and HTML I did , heres the results:

Click here

BUT , yes theres always one of those unfortunately......

FF is not displaying it like IE6.....

As ive only used CSS and HTML I wonder if an expert could tell me why FF is not displaying it the same way as IE6??

Thanks in advance

I don't know
But your navigation panel on the left, how did you do that?
Does the Web hosting company offer things like that when you buy space?

The result of 5 hours research in which i realised to scrap my old menu and begin fresh courtesy of some expert advice...

Then it took me 2hrs to create the menu dude...

If you are thinking of using one in your site I can help if you like?

you've been struggling with this site for ages! it's time to give in and use a cms

thanks for your words of wisdom mr seek, a lot of people have said my marquee rocks so its 2 of this and 2 of that really :) ........Im learning loads and using a CMS would mean the end of learning which I dont wanna do...its my first site :)
umm hey mark thanks for your comments,

picture in top left is being replaced :)

scrolling box will become smoother and will be rounded rectangle

thanks for your compliments....

its nice to hear encouraging thoughts, unlike MR SEEK's whose work I have never seen yet thinks its just to put everyone elses VERY FIRST attempt down, WHEN I DIDNT EVEN ASK FOR HIS COMMENTS.....

"its easy to slate ppl any fool can do so but its not as easy to encourage and support them"

it's still fugly :/
what prat actually says that, oh well theres 1 born every min I spose...

thanks mr bristol :)
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yeah so i think it's fugly. deal with it.
your just a nasty lil boy aint ya.......did I ask for your comments? but importantly do I care what you think??

i wan't trying to put your first attempt down. i was commenting that i thought it was a joke that you considered your own learning to make a site above the needs of the charity you were making one for.

if saying something is fugly is not putting something down then doh silly me i dont know what it is .......

i mean you started this sike like what? 3 months ago? more maybe? in your position i'd have knocked one up with a template over a weekend so there would at least be something up for the charity to use, and then worked on my own site in the background.

wtf! your speaking utter and total *bs dude, there is already a site up, it wasnt urgent, you know nothing about the terms discussed, what gives you the right to think you do???? how dare you pass judgement on something you dont know about??? had it ever crossed your pea sized brain to think just for 1 second I had advised them that a) I was beginner and learning from scratch b) it would take time c) it was a good base for me to begin learning about coding and layout etc

NOOOO you didnt think of that instead you jumped straight in thinking you knew what I had discussed with them etc etc on top of which you passed judgment...


hey blade,

you have to accept that there may be a little critcism, man, if you post on a public forum.
- dude I hear you, but I never asked for any opinions on the design stucture or anything of the sort, the thread was only about my menu not working in FF......yet aggressive mr seek thought it just to crictise and pass judgement without "knowing the facts" I dont mind criticism however think its unacceptable and uncalled for if I didnt ask for a review and small minded ppl start passing judgment, when I have not even seen their work...(altho thats totally irrelevant)

Hey thanks for your suggestions I totally agree about the way "mental" anything is looked upon in our mean take the thread for an example i was asking about a menu instead i get told things are fugly and how long something has been taking me blah madness....i guess such small minds abuse the lil power they have in their lives as it must make them feel important...

How about something like "Welcome to Tall Oaks infant consultants. We specialise in helping parents understand their infants' needs giving them a brighter future in their older years." ... something like that.
apparently names changes etc will be done at a later date as per their requirements however thanks a lot for your suggestions....its cuz theirs four parts to what they do they need something generic which sums it all up, im using what i was advised to do so .....thanks any way blade your efforts are most appreciated...

i hope this thread is now closed...
man i thought this thread was dead....

to all of you who say seek was only stating opinion :

your missing the point, the thread was about menus, not a "rate my site"

its like you going to the dr when your stomach hurts and he sends you to the dentist lol

there was no need for him to express an opinion when i didnt ask for one...

yes its public forums but i dont see ppl saying "oh thats an awful machine when ppl post probs in general hardware, or ppl saying that cpu is really old in the cpu thread when ppl need help"

anyway im sure someone will retalitate with something, why do i bother lol
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