Don't click on this rubbish

24 Feb 2003
Brighton, UK
This is a quick junk post.


The text in here is BOLD

This is underlined

Here I change the font

blah blah blah
Hasn't the font stayed the same? :confused:
if you look really really close you will see the two different fonts are Arial (the default) and Tahoma (a different one)

Or a not very different one. Just a bit narrower.

but this is clearly more different than the one that was less different.

though, as you can see, I am clearly not lame enough to use a font as sad as this one...:p

well it really wasnt but hey.. not like my lifes any diff now, ive just lost a few mins ill never get baack :rolleyes:
Check the For Sale section of the forum. I think I saw someone selling spare minutes in there.

Can't say I didn't warn you.... :D
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