Don't you hate it when PC's don't work.

18 Feb 2006
To start with. This is a new build with the following specs:

AMD 64 3000 Venice
2x 256 GEIL Value
Gigabyte GA-K8N51GMF-9 NF4
Qpack, using the newer Aspire 420w PSU with 30a on the dual 12v
160gb Maxtor hdd

Story #1, the PC worked fine for one night, but the next day it restarted while playing CS and wouldn't boot until it was set to go into last known good config, and then it booted into windows but had errors from drivers (ATI, sound and windows errors.) We then formatted the PC, thinking it could be a virus and when re installing windows it would get a copy error, when going retry it would carry on copying files but get stuck on a different one a few seconds later. It then worked fine with a different stick of ram.

Using my RAM, which I know is good, windows was re installed and it worked fine for one night again. Than tonight, you guessed it. While playing CS, it restarted but got into windows fine. I went into event viewer and there was this message just before the restart:

The error:

0000000003: 2006-05-28 21:51:43:515 Exception: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
Exception Called by: ATI.ACE.CLI.Component.Icomponent.Icomponent::Run processID:01716 threadIDCLIIcomponent ) domainName cli.exe ) assemblyNameCLI.Component.Icomponent, Version=1.2.2314.20335, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=90ba9c70f846762e)

There was one just before this, but this one caused the system to restart.

Every time this has happened the screen has been flickey (LCD.)
Now, what do you think is the problem here?

Thanks, Trif.
Looks like a problem with the display drivers.

What drivers have you got?.... try another version.
Especially with a new shiney rig,its a real scunner.
Are you running latest patch for cs? is cs your only problem?.
Some folks swear by older 6.2 drivers.Many don`t use the ati ccc and use tray tools instead.
Have a hunt for the latest bios/drivers for your board,it may well fix some issues such as memory support/instability etc.
I had lots of freezes etc when soundcard was on way out but it didn`t mess up windows,seems something else is going on here.
Had problems like that with my old Radeon, i found changing drivers was always helpful, omega drivers always seemed the most stable for me. However now, i'm on the ATI Catalyst with the new card.
You may find performance varies between drivers and games, some games will be better with certain drivers. So if there's 1 or 2 games you mainly play, have a little experimentation around with the drivers. I use Omega drivers for all the laptops i've worked on that have onboard ATI, and they've yet to show any problem. Generally for home PC's the ATI ccc is my first try, if i get unstability i try whatever i can find, but the Omega drivers are usually my second try.
Off topic for a moment, i never knew you could run 1.5gb of ram, (im guessing one 1gb stick and a 512 stick?), in dual channel like that, does it perform okay?
It is 2x 512 and 2x 256 in the appropiate slots for dual channel. It performs better than it does with only 1gb of ram in the PC which I have now (donated the 512 temporarily to the other system until I get the RAM back.)
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