Don't you hate it when you have to choose a new ingame name

12 Nov 2008
As the title says.
Don't you hate it when you install a game and you need to choose a unique in-game name, so you use your usual one and find that it's already been taken, and then you spend forever trying to think of a new in-game name that you like and want to use.

Last example for me was GTA V, as you are required to enter your nickname for social club and it needs to be unique.
Which when the nickname I've been using for the last 17 years was taken proved to be extremely annoying.

Anyone divised a trick or easy way to come up with new nicknames when needed?
Or when I have an old pre-existing account for a game platform with my usual name which is botched due to the publisher's incompetence and have to make a new account for more recent games :|

This could be the case regarding the rockstar social club as I'm pretty sure I had an account for it years ago with my usual nickname. Now the details of this, and any email account that it may have been tied too are long gone, as it's not tied to the onlyaccount that has been round that long.

Just need to put my thinking cap on and come up with something I don't hate. lol
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