Doom 2015

24 Mar 2014
*****Apologies in advance if there is another thread for this. Delete if necessary :)*****

So I was going through Youtube and I noticed a new-ish video for Doom. Being a fan for many years (since the original Doom) I decided to give it a watch.
My personal opinion is somewhat unimpressed actually. While I like the idea of the melee kills, I feel that this new doom has lost a lot of the eerie blood pumping horror that the blocky PS1 counterpart used to have. I remember walking around seeing nothing for a while, but hearing the background noises and thinking, "oh god not one of those again!!!" from what the video shows it just seems to be a killfest now.

What are your thoughts guys?


you make some excellent points, plus im glad I am not the only one who looks back on the days whena horror wasnt all Kill Kill. There are few recent games that cater to that style. Such as the first dead space, also I heard alien isolation had its moments and pulled off fear very well. As a reviewer once said, yahtzee crawshaw is his name, AAA developers are too tempted to put the money on the screen instead of creating suspense and thrill.

but after reading your comment I will keep an eye out and see how things look later, I will just have to open my original Doom box and give it a whirl at some point on the playstation. Your right, they may retain a need for cautious movement and actually get the blood pumping because im afraid to go round the next corner for fear of getting a close up of my own intestines right after I crap myself XD.

But I am seeing that the horror genre is becoming less scary and more action. Im all for blood and guts, but I see a good horror as a game where a normal human (like me) is forced to face these horrible creatures, with limited ammo, no extra strength etc, the melee kills in the video look nice but seem to kill the eerie atmosphere and replace it with a man with super strength (likely endowed via his suit like dead space) but the original dead space was scary because it surprised you all the time, sometimes with an unexpected attack and sometimes when you were really careful and then theres abslutely nothing there, plus they took the limited ammo aspect of things and made you think hard about how to go through the next area. Theres nothing like an eerie game where you are forced to higher levels of fear bacause your facing a 10 ft monster and you realise you only have one bullet left.:eek:

I think D3 is underrated. It is one of my favourite games. The flashlight thing is a mechanic used to create tension but I agree, a marine in a base like that would have used duct tape and cable ties or something to make life easier.

That said, I never minded the flashlight thing.

Doom II had a more horror orientated soundtrack from memory. I would love to see them remake the Doom / Doom II levels on a modern engine ala classic doom mod. They had a certain charm and with a bit of artistic licence in a new engine could be really special.

Some people only first experienced doom on PS1, and to be fair it was a brilliant edition including levels from Doom and Doom II and it had reworked sound effects which were far more meaty (IE the chaingun!).

I was one of those, I was disappointed to try the original doom on pc, the music was so upbeat, no eerie feeling, no atmosphere, just run run run, kill kill kill. Plus who can forget the opening theme when you put the disk in, that heavy guitar..... so good

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Video from the OP is console video... can't expect to be excited by 5 year old PC hardware.

Hopefully they maintain their PC focus like they used to...

I did suspect a controller/ console feel. I hope they keep a PC focus to the game, I have seen far too many games go mainly console and they have put me off completely
Why is it played on console?
Looks way to bright for Doom
Weapon sounds need beefing right up

I'm sure it will be good but at the moment it seems to lack the Doom feel. More like a cross between Painkiller and Serious Sam :(

More of this needed. Nice chunky sounds and edgy music. Some original style traps too, collect a key and get locked in a room with a Cyberdemon and a few Spiderdemons :eek:

yes and the music (if any) to be similar to the eerie style the playstation had. That video brings back many memories, hearing the huge footsteps of that massive guy and going almost into tears as I had limited ammo left and was thinking to myself "Why now you son of a ----" (I was kid when i played the first 2 Dooms)
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