Door frame seal replacement...?

18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
I've spent far too long trying to find a replacement for this part but i have no idea what to search for:


Its a plastic bead that runs the whole way around my interior garage door and seals it. I need to replace it as its worn thin but my searches arent finding anything close.

Can anyone tell me what this is called or where i can buy some more?
This is why I love this forum. I get prompted to learn something new all the time.
How it works: An intumescent strip is chemically designed to expand when exposed to extreme heat. This strip is usually placed around door frames. Once a fire breaks out in a room, the heat causes the strip to expand and seal the gap around the frame in order to contain the fire-giving you enough time to escape and call your nearest fire department.

Why it’s important: Not only does an intumescent strip protect you from a fire, but it also minimises damage to the building. It does this by containing the fire to one area-preventing it from spreading.

How it differs from a smoke seal: Whereas a smoke seal is for blocking smoke, an intumescent strip swells up when exposed to heat.
I always assumed firedoors worked by being airish tight already. Although the more I think about it the more I think I might have known about the intumescent strips already.

Does it need to be replaced as it is a chemical reaction to fire/heat that makes it work rather than what I had assumed is that it should already be tight to work.
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Hmmm now you've got me thinking it doesn't need replacing. Like you, I thought it needed to simply be tight to the door and i know its not any longer as its letting an almighty draught through. Thats what i was hoping to stop.
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