Door to door fish salesmen

20 Oct 2002
Ok, so what's the deal with this? We just had them come round, I feigned being stuck on a work call and asked him to stick a card through the letterbox for later. I'm sure we had them round about a year ago.

I find the whole thing quite odd. Pressurised selling never goes down well with me, and buying something like fish (or any food!) of some bloke just seems dodgy. Is it wrong and 'millennial' of me that I'd trust some Instagrammer with a small website arranging deliveries etc. than some plucky northerner going around in his van to sell his wares? :confused:

Absolutely, this is a 'good thing', and that the OP hid, pretending to be on a call is such a sad indictment of modern culture.
lolwut? :confused: :p

I spoke to the chap on my doorstep, asked him for a card and more info. He had neither, seemed in a rush, proceeded to put more pressure on me by saying his mate who was dealing with "next door" can come along and sort it all out there and then at which point I just switched off. Like I said, I don't like pressurised selling. So I just said "I'm actually in the middle of a call" and asked him to leave a card. Which he didn't. So yeah, no thanks. If they were that keen they should at least have a card or something to stick through the letterbox as they go.

I was once sat in a pub where a guy came round with a rucksack full of stolen supermarket meat to flog. Same thing, right?
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