Just last week I had a young "student" from Slovakia or some other faraway land round at my door (English language just barely comprehensible), with a series of what must have been 15-20 full size paintings (big ones as well not just the A2 size). She claims these are "Matisse inspired" masterpieces created by her and her fellow "students" back in Romania or wherever. The money raised would go towards the exhibition they were putting on apparently. Fair enough, a bit of a stretch trooping all those paintings all the way over here and trying door to door sales of all things, but still. But then she turned the paintings round and showed me them. If I'm brutally honest they look like what my 2 year old nephew would knock out at nursery. They were ****ing hideous. I shouldn't say that as I can't draw to save someone's life, but these were something else. I voiced my disapproval as such.
Now to troop them over to the UK and actually talk me into parting with my hard earned cash is one thing, but no, she insisted that she come into my house to see what I had on my walls already so she could advise on what needs replacing. She looked around the door into my hallway (without my permission) and noticed the Kandinsky I have hanging on the wall there. She said that it looked "dreary and cold" and instead held up a white canvas with six blue lines, two circles and a square. This would apparently "brighten up" the hallway. At this point I was in two minds as to whether I should be amused or insulted. I just told her that I preferred a different kind of art to a bit of paint squirted from a tube onto a bit of used canvas. But this wasn't enough. She was trying to persuade me that I was "wrong" and actually demanded a reason why her paintings weren't good enough. Now my patience was wearing thin. Ten minutes of my life I'd wasted here at this door. She then just said to me "OK I can give you these two for what I think is a brilliant price of just £100" (remember this is the sort of tat you see at boot sales for a fiver). After a rather blank stare I explained that I had a prior engagement on the telephone and had to leave to take a highly prioritised call. She still wouldn't leave, convincing me still that I "need them". I just had to close the door firmly in her face in the finish.
Made me think though as I observed her trooping from house to house with these works of "art", facing constant rejection, what some people will do for money.