Dota 2

18 Oct 2002
Any still play this? I can't find the giant thread for it.

So my last game before end of season I just hit Legend 1. I won 7 out of my 10 calibration games and ended up at Archon 2. I now can't win a game. It's like I've ended up in the low priority queue. Active feeding, some of the worst line-ups I've seen, non existent supports, 4 carry teams, multiple roamers etc. WTF is going on? Is anyone else experiencing this? I think I'm now in crusader mmr ranges. I don't play every day and rarely more than 2 in a row so it's not like I haven't had a break. Literally losing the will to play.
I'm still playing, distinctly average still but i do enjoy it. Finished the jungle from the battle pass which was quite a struggle with some heroes, my MMR took a little hit. I really don't like picking roles and lanes before the game, it's what made me come away from LoL. I like playing all roles but if i have hard support picked i'll get that 100% of the time, then if i untick that i end up as normal support. I prefer the picking phase from before.
It's the toughest MOBA i think in terms of learning curve, mechanics and horrible players! I don't have loads of playing time and as games are so varied i don't really get bored of it. Got PUBG to mix it up if i do.
Think i'm done with it after the new patch. Most games are a complete stomp since early lane domination gives even more XP from the outposts. The few that aren't have been 70 min+ bore-fests. Add the stupid neutral items on top and it becomes quite quite random as well.
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