Down on the Coast

23 Dec 2002
Under my desk
Afternoon folks,

Thought I'd share a few of my first attempts with my 350d after visiting the coast yesterday. I took a few pictures, but have put up the three best ones.

I've worked on the levels a bit (taken in RAW) and attempted to reduce a bit of the noise, so C+C welcome as I'm not overly sure on my work!

/edit still trying to get the pictures to work!



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Hmmm... well they all have good composition but they dont really look that interesting colour wise. Most of them need the saturation upping in PhotoShop and also some other creative editing. Keep up the good work :)
Thanks for the comments so far :)
It was a bit of a shame about the weather on the day as the sky was a bit bland - shortly after these were taken the weather closed in and got wet and misty - didn't want to get the camera too wet...

Not sure how much to boost the colours, but will give it a go - I'm sure the expose needs adjusting on the others that I took too. However, if I do that then they start to look a bit more washed out :confused:

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