
27 Mar 2004
At last i get a chance to watch this tonight on C4.

I've heard a lot of good things on this forum about the film and i've been meaning to watch it for a long time. Bruno Ganz is apparently excellent as Hitler himself.

Is it as good as everyone says? Is it definitely a film i should see?

No spoilers please! :)
Heh, I actually had a look at this in Silverscreen today, had no idea it was on telly tonight. Just as well I didn't buy it :)
i thought it was brilliant to be fair. i always like looking at things from every different angle possible.
I watched this on DVD yesterday and once I got the subtitles on I started to understand it.

Joking aside, this is a very good film and I’m glad I spent the time to watch it. At two and a half ours it’s pretty long but then the film does have a lot to say. It’s quite blunt in portraying Hitler and the people around him, as well as the mental problems he has. Even after his death Hitler’s friends and supporters still showed signs of fanatical loyalty and belief.

This film really shows how somebody can capture the minds and hearts of those around them and give them belief in something, even if that belief is based around anti-semitism and racism.

I think the people who made the film must have been pretty brave to tackle such a difficult topic, but they do it well. I'd be interested to know what German people made of it.
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