Download manager

22 Mar 2006
Anyone know a good download manager. basically need something that will download 1 file from multiple sources and resume a download if it gets interupted.

Any suggestions?
As per Craig321's post, Freshdownload is good. I've been using it for quite a while now in readiness for when my connection is upgraded to 10Mb and it's never given me any problems/corrupted a download :cool:
Yeah, FreshDownload has never failed on me either. Then again NetTransport hasn't.

NetTransport is a lot better than FreshDownload at resuming. When we had problems with our net disconnecting all the time I used FreshDownload, it didn't corrupt the download or anything, but it didn't resume it automatically. But if you're not looking for it to resume automatically then it's very good.

Net Transport will resume the download if the net goes down ASAP which is cool :)

Wackget the smallest download manager in the world! (free and open-source) ;)

I just tried Wackget, but instead of right clicking on a video and saving that, it saves the jpg instead.

Is there a way to change that, as it looks like a decent program apart from that :)
Triad2000 said:
Isn't Getright full of spyware?

Nope, totally clean for all versions. (Some of the versions around about 4 had banner ads IIRC)
Only thing is the occasional register me thingy in unregistered mode.

Plus, it even has a service for finding mirrors, BT downloads & a whole load of other useful features.
Have tried most of the rest, but none are as good.

Simmy said:
I just tried Wackget, but instead of right clicking on a video and saving that, it saves the jpg instead.

Is there a way to change that, as it looks like a decent program apart from that :)

You could enable the IE plugin & control+click to download?

wackget can download 1 file from multiple sources? if so please let me know how?
i was going to say i've been using it for ages now and haven't seen that option, thought i might be missing it ;)
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