Download webquality photos for putting in website templates

28 Dec 2005
Manchester, UK
I used to make some decent websites and even managed to sell some of them, but for some reason stopped, Im looking to get back into it and am going to create some templates.

Im looking for somewhere I can download decent quality photos of the web and use them in my templates which I plan to sell.

Found some nice places but there licence doesnt allow me to sell them along with my templates.

Anyway, not expecting much but thanks in advance for the replys.

If you cant think of any nice free places, link me to your fav places who charge (only a little bit :P).
I think, as you've already found, that you'll be limited by what you can use.

Royalty-free images are for non-commercial use only.

Always check the license agreement for the sites.

I know istockphoto offers an extended license but I think that's just for additional users, not commercial use.
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