Downloading podcasts?

21 May 2004
At the Ice rink
I'm a bit of a noob when it comes to podcasts, so any help would be appreciated.

I want to download some podcasts but I don't know what software to use? I don't have an Ipod (I have a creative) and I don't want to use Itune$.

What are the best and cheapest alternatives??

Cheers one and all ;)
I use Juice which is a free program. If the website you get your podcasts from has an rss feed for the podcast, then Juice will automatically download the new podcast for you. It also has a built in directory of podcasts you can browse.

There is also Doppler but I havn't tried that myself.
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lol come to this thread late - Juice is very good (unless you have an iPod of course - iTunes has podcasting software built-in, although personally I don't think it's very good, and it seems to eat up quite a few CPU cycles when it's working) and I've tried Doppler and a few others. Juice still comes out on top - fully featured, small and fast :)
Its a shame that there isnt a way to access the podcast section of iTunes from a linux based client really. Thats something i'd be very interested in myself.
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