Downloading (torrents) and MSN on my MacBook

2 Oct 2004
London, NW1

I'm a complete and utter nab when it comes to computers and I'd love some help from you wizards with my MacBook.

So could someone give 'an idiots guide' to getting or doing the following:

1. Downloading torrents. Someone once said Transmission but it doesn't work plus I don't know where to get it from. Please if you know where a good link is or one that actually works post.

2. Word processing. I was shocked to recently find that my mac Microsoft Word doesn't work any more due to trial version whatnot. How can I get an equivalent processing device or the actual copy without paying Apple prices?

3. MSN. I tried downloading this a while ago and it just comes up not working and is a question mark on my toolbar. Can anyone help here?

So thanks guys, and if you can help at all then post links which actually work and explain in noob friendly terms how to do it all please :)
Transmission is the best! I'd have another go at it.

Buy iWorks for the Mac, lovely program.

With MSN once its downloaded you drag over the icon into your application folder, then eject the MSN icon on the desktop that looks like an external drive icon.

Then drag the MSN from Application folder into you dock.

Should work fine then.
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Have a look in the stickies - they're very helpful.

1. Don't be so flipping lazy! ;)
Open Safari. Type Transmission into the Google search box. Click the top link. Job done.

2. Cheap - Yes if you're a student. Free - try OpenOffice.

3. Forget MSN - it's a pile of junk. Try AdiumX. See "1." for internet searching instructions so you can find it.
Without wishing to be rude each of the specific applications you have mentioned would be easily found using google in less time than it took you to post on here along with in most cases as much information from the developers as you could possibly want to read including quick setup guides etc.

1) TBH While transmission has improved with later versions Azures is still considerably faster for me.

2) Open Office is good but it all depends what you want/need from an office suite. I found after a while I went back to Office if I wanted to do anything more complex than viewing and minor editing in OO but that's probably due to using Office for the last 10 years.

3) MSN runs fine, again a case of re-downloading it and having another go.

If you get stuck see my sig :)
wasted money. i bought it and find myself only using iwork. Word crashes ALL THE TIME with .doc documents.
I've not found it crashes personally.

I think if you're as far into Word as I was, Mac Word was the only option.

That said, I'm not sure I'd have it if it wasn't available for the price of a takeaway meal.
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