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Downsampling Made Simple With Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)

30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Downsampling The Easy Way With Custom Resolution Utility (CRU)-Running On AMD

CRU-the program you need:


Before you do anything, create a System Restore point, it's a handy fallback to use in Safe Mode should your monitor go out of range.


Run CRU as administrator, allow it through smart screen if need be(W8).

1. Untick 'Include extension block'

2. Click 'Add'

3. Input Horizontal

4. Input Vertical

5. Optional if you have a 120Hz/+ panel, Input Refresh rate.

6. Press OK, and restart PC.

Check and see if it worked:


It really is that simple and the results speak for themselves:

Crysis 3 screenshot on max everything@1440p:


4K is working on my 120Hz Sammy 3D panel@30Hz, the resolution for input is - 3840/2160

I'm only posting a simple guide to get it working, full credit goes to the author of CRU:



I had to unplug my second display as it wouldn't work with both plugged in-your mileage may vary though.

I would advise leaving your native resolution on the desktop and using in game settings to change individual game resolutions as the screen goes blurry when running out with your native res.
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30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
Great guide Tommy. Mixed success for me though.

I've overclocked my monitor safely to 66hz at 1440P, that's the max it well go sadly. Tried 3840x2160 @30hz but i get a black/blank screen when i enable it in say BF4 for example. Think it might work if i lowered the refresh rate some more but don't want to run it that low.

:cool:, it's handy, C3 looks absolutely superb downscaled.:eek:

It has quite a few uses too, if you are thinking about moving up to 1440p and testing out your fps or testing vram, no more you haven't tried it nonsense.:p

It did work but then I think I messed up somewhere and thought I damaged my GPU's. So I tuck it as a warning lol

Brown pants time!:eek:

Does this have adverse affects mouse movement in anyway?

BF4 spawn screen, doesn't register properly, in game it's fine.

4k worked at 30hz aswell and looks superb but theres no way I can enjoy games at 30hz lol.

BioShock Infinite looked amazing, but it's too choppy@30Hz.

So shall I decrease refresh rate,to make this to work?

30 Mar 2010
Under The Stairs!
It's a downsampling utility for your monitor, your tricking your monitor to run a higher resolution than(in your case) 1400p giving better IQ, it's more demanding on your gpu as it thinks it's running whatever resolution you set.

It's the easiest tool for AMD but if your an Nvidia user, you can downsample other ways:


What is downsampling

Downsampling, also called OGSSAA : Ordered Grid SuperSampling AntiAliasing, is in this case the concept of rendering the game at a much higher, custom made, resolution than your monitor is capable of displaying and subsequently having the GPU rescale the image ( as in downsample ) to that of your monitor's native resolution to which the end result is a "cleaner", sharper and less aliased image.


King of all AA methods, affects virtually every kind of aliasing but it's also very taxing which is why we have other less demanding alternatives, SMAA, MLAA, FXAA etc. Sadly we are in a position where we have pc-games shipping with "AA on/off" options or have AA implementations that leads much to be desired making people use other forms of externally forced AA.

We're also at a point in this "generation" where the discrepancy between pc and console hardware is bigger than ever giving pc-users a much larger performance overhead. What I mean by that is that there are a lot of people out there with hardware that can run many/most new games and virtually any older game at higher resolutions than 1920x1080 while still maintaining an acceptable framerate even though 1920x1080 is still the standard resolution of most of our monitors.

Using downsampling you almost never will have to worry about a game's image quality being ruined by lack of AA since it works in almost any 3D game out there. Compared to other types of AA solutions like SMAA/FXAA-injectors or "Nvidia Inspector AA" you won't need to fiddle with settings or files at all, when it comes to downsampling via custom resolution once you got it up and running it's just a matter of using that resolution in any game and presto you got yourself some AA brewing. It is worth pointing at that downsampling still works great with those aforementioned AA methods ( injectors, inspector etc ) and whatever kind of AA solution/s the games you want to play offer, you can mix,match and stack AA to your heart's content.
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