We currently use DPM 2010 and have the backups set to whatever settings each protection group uses. Due to how we do off-sites, we can only go back upto 2 weeks.
We had an issue today where some data had corrupted before the 2 weeks of backups, so we couldn't recover it.
To alleviate this, i want to modify the backup routine.
Now, correct me if im wrong:
If i set the short term backups retention to 40 days, that means it wont delete any backups it makes for that protection group for at least 40 days. Correct?
Does anyone have any thoughts about automating a transfer to another site of some specific data? Over a 10Mbps connection (at their end).
We currently use DPM 2010 and have the backups set to whatever settings each protection group uses. Due to how we do off-sites, we can only go back upto 2 weeks.
We had an issue today where some data had corrupted before the 2 weeks of backups, so we couldn't recover it.
To alleviate this, i want to modify the backup routine.
Now, correct me if im wrong:
If i set the short term backups retention to 40 days, that means it wont delete any backups it makes for that protection group for at least 40 days. Correct?
Does anyone have any thoughts about automating a transfer to another site of some specific data? Over a 10Mbps connection (at their end).