Dragon Age Origins - Need advice how to improve the UI on a 38'' 3840x1600 Ultrawide monitor.

27 May 2007
Front of the monitor
I have a mod that helps with the Glossary, Journal etc, but it do not change the Compass, the portraits and the Quickbar sizes, which are very tiny for the monitor. The mod in question is FtG UI Mod - More Readable Fonts and UI, just incase someone about to recommend it. :p

So I'm wondering if there another mod that I might have missed, or is it possible to some how play the game in 1080 on my 3840 x 1600 screen ? (Although have no clue if that would improve the UI though !)

Has anyone played DA:O on a similar resolution monitor ??
with Nvidia you can open the Nvidia control panel > Display > Adjust desktop size and position

Select either Aspect Ratio or No Scaling

In game if you go full screen now on a lower res it'll either scale or just have black borders

AMD probably has simiarl

I'm on AMD. ONly thing I can find is Custom Resolution, would that be similar as to what you referring to if it been a nVidia card ?
Could try dgVoodoo, lower the res in game (might need to create one with the correct aspect ratio) then set the res in dgVoodoo to native. The game's scaling will be what it would be with the in game res but will render at your native through dgVoodoo.

I started to read up on this software but got to admit, it's a lot of information how to use it. You don't happen to know a good youtube tutorial for it ? (Makes it much easier, for me atleast, to understand how to use things properly) Tried a quick search but can't seem to find anything recent, part from a 4 min long one that didn't really tell me that much.
All you need to do is download dgVoodoo2, https://github.com/dege-diosg/dgVoodoo2/releases/download/v2.79/dgVoodoo2_79.zip
Copy MS\x86\D3D9.dll to Dragon Age\bin_ship
Copy dgVoodooCpl.exe and dgVoodoo.conf to the same folder
Run dgVoodooCpl goto DirectX and set Resolution to your res
Start the game, and then decrease the res in game to what ever you like, make sure it's the correct aspect ratio, you could also create a new res through the graphics driver software
dgVoodoo will work if you get the watermark, and if the scaling is working you can then go back into the config program and disable the watermark under Miscellaneous

I ran it myself, here are two screenshots

Thank you ! Finally got it working but had a couple freezes as I was trying to see if I could get it into borderless windowed mode but can live without that.

Now, another question if you don't mind. I am guessing since you managed to take those scheenshots, that you have the Steam version of the game ?? I'm on GOG and it seems they wont allow you to take screenshots there of this game. But if I am wrong and you do have the game on GOG, how did you do it ?? :p

Edit: Never mind about the screenshots, turns out they not ending up in the GOG Galaxy / Screenshot folder but in the Bioware / Dragon Age / Screenshots / User folder instead, hence why I couldn't find them at first ! :o
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