
4 Mar 2006
Well I got my tickets to see them in Cardiff in December!

Fantastic awesome band, and for those who don't like them, you should DEFINAATELY be able to appreciate the amount of skill they can put into their guitar playing (especially as they play most gigs drunk). If you cant appreciate the talent then you have no taste :p

Anyone else going to see them on this tour?
Hehe, well... the fact of the matter is that... :p

Nah theyre awesome. Definately the first album (VOTD), sonic firestorm is more like votd part 2, and the only song that beats the first albbum on inhuman rampage is trail of broken hearts.

Anyone follow that? ;)
Nah the ballads give a bit of a change i feel.

Not my fave songs though, That would by soldiers of the wasteland, disciples of babylon, and probably where dragons rule.

Nice to slow it down a bit i reckon.
You're asking me to give up? :eek:

You obviously know not of the great badgermonkey! The most annoying persistant little **** known to man! ;)

Last warning, FULLY star your swearing, as per the FAQ.

Apologies for not starring it. Wont happen again.

To the above poster ^^ You ARE right, even the drummer admits that albums are done using nearly the exact same drumbeat. And verse chords do tend to be very similar. I just like them more than SA thats all :) Not sure why, since i do like SA as well, it's probably because i haven't heard anywhere NEAR as much by them, also i've seen DF live, and imo seeing a band live makes them seem even better or a hell of a lot worse. For me was the former.
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