Dragons Den

24 Aug 2006
I hate the way those dragons talk down to people.

They are enjoying huge wealth that they made through ruthless capitalism and now they're morally above all the people that come in front of them.

I really find them annoying, especially the women.

Anyone else find them annoying?
a lot of the contestants are stupid. Especially the ones that have a product that according to everyone they've shown is brilliant. Except that the only people they shown it to, were their friends, who obviously dont give an honest opinion.
Richard Farleigh for eg for going on about how

loads of people are working hard at university to make fuel cells.. blah blah

whats Richard Farleigh going to do? buy half their business and not really do much work.

this is turning into a rant and im not an anti capitalist
sid said:
Just to point out some things about the stand by power switch.

Firstly no way in hell does a TV use 20W in standby like they showed, its more like 0.5W or less

Secondly the little receiver which they use in their power connector also has some residual power usage (AS its powered by the battery as they themselves said)

So overall the power saving are exxagerated.

I mean if you integrate that device into the telly ( as the dragons said) Doesn't it itself need power (through batteries or whatever) to wake the TV up from stand by ?

How is that different from what the integrated solution does in any case? Its presumably better but we don't have numbers on that.


which tv did they use in the experiment?
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