dream theater signs to roadrunner :/

12 Sep 2005
is it just me are 95% of artists signed to RR pants?

I know DT have been pants for last few albums, but i always thought they'd get back on the ball.
LAWL@pants comments.

RR are a big label, Opeth and Porcupine Tree are signed to them and they're by no means pants by any stretch of the imagination (I should litter this post with 'IMO' but that should be obvious).

To me it sounds as though they'll properly back Dream Theater and get them the proper exposure that they sorely missed with their previous label, even though RR is part of Warner all the same.

I normally wouldn't give a poop about who they're signed with but at least this time it looks as though they're going to be backed by the right people and promoted to fans most likely to listen to the music.

I can't wait for the new album.
Have to agree with Andelusion, DT are amazing and whilst RR have a reputation for being a kiddiecore label, back in the 80s they were *the* label to be on for death metal and thrash bands. Opeth and PT have recently signed to them, which I think signals a desire to get away from the boring mallcore rubbish they've promoted for the last few years and to instead flag up bands with some depth.


EDIT: Opeth released 'Ghost Reveries' on RR and that's an amazing album. I don't think that RR will necessarily interfere with DT's music, they'll just prove to be a better and more supportive label than Warner. I just hope DT's next album will be better than the travesty that was 'Octavarium' (with the exception of the title track ;) )
DT haven't put out a "proper" DT album since Scenes From A Memory, although Train Of Thought was pretty good.

I am a HUGE DT fan, have been since I bought Images And Words (IMO their best album) and when Awake came out I was confirmed as a lifelong fan. I still love their stuff but the newer releases just don't quite sound like them, if that makes sense??

I think signing to RR will be a good thing, they won't have to worry about selling a million albums to appease the suits and hopefully they will do what they do best and put out some good prog metal :)
I can't wait for the new DT album actually, I really liked Octavarium, Train of Thought and Scenes From a Memory. (some of the older stuff too) They seem to change a bit in each album, like ToT was quite heavy and Octavarium was a bit more mellow and progressive rock like, so it'll be interesting to see where the new one ends up. And hopefully they'll do a UK tour and come to Sheffield :p
I'm sure RR will give DT the utmost backing since DT have a huge audience, which will now rise, so RR are pretty much guaranteed a lot of revenue.

A couple of my mates think DT have sold out. :confused:

Really can't wait for Systematic Chaos. Sounds like they'll be definitely playing at Download.
Scenes From a Memory is their best work in my opinion, I think this new one sounds like it's going to be good though. Portnoy's sort of described it as being quite heavy hard prog rock, so hopefully it won't be as metal as ToT, but a lot more 'prog' sounding than Octavarium.
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