dreamfall:the longest journey...

19 Feb 2008
anyone got this game and have got it installed on vista ?
having trouble with this game on vista 32 bit.
something to do with starforce software.
thanks for th reply m8,i think i must be stupid but i haven't got a clue what starforce drivers to install and where abouts on there website they are.
if you could post the link to the download section that would be superb m8.
many thanks
it still didnt work.
i got this error message....
Download updates for StarForce Protection driver

This problem was caused by a compatibility issue between this version of Windows and this version of StarForce Protection driver. This program was created by StarForce Technologies
Just noticed you've posted on the official forums as well. Make sure you run the game as 'administrator'. You may only need to do this the first time.
ive done this but still no luck.
btw...good work sherlock for seeing me on there forums....lol
all it says is for me to contact customer support with error code 2.
i really hate these type of game's you have to spend so much time setting up.....this game better be worth it in the end.
ive got it working at last,had to install and uninstall 3 time's with that starfox thingy.
all seems good now and im looking forward to a few hours playing the game.
many thanks for your support m8.
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