DreamWeaver 8 Questions

27 Jan 2005
I'm a newbie at this so forgive my stupid questions:

1) Could you recomend me a book on HTML or Dreamweaver 8.

2) How do I turn off the CSS. At the moment I just want to get to grips with HTML - So I want fonts, backgrounds etc to be HTML not CSS and I need to know how to switch that off in Dreamweaver 8...I will learn CSS soon, but I want to take steps not leaps.

3) Testing server. Okay, my PC is also a games machine, and am using my ISP's webspace for my webmaking learning before I buy proper webspace. Now I know that you can set up testing servers on your own pc or elsewhere, so what do you recomend? Do I do it on the server allocated me to my isp because that's also the mainsite, and I don't want to have to install PHP, Apache stuff and MYsql orwhatever and have that on my pc taking up valuable resources.

If you understand that I'll give you a medal lol.

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