I have a large number of photos I want to stick into a website, each photo on a seperate page (click a link and the page appears with the photo). I have created a template of the page layout but I don't want to spend hours inserting each photo in seperatly and renaming the page after the filename.
Is there a batch process that will do this for me? Say pointing the program at the file with the photos and giving it the page template and let it insert the photos and create the pages on automatically?
I am using Dreamweaver 8 in HTML
Can anyone point me to some good text guides on how to use dreamweaver as well?
Is there a batch process that will do this for me? Say pointing the program at the file with the photos and giving it the page template and let it insert the photos and create the pages on automatically?
I am using Dreamweaver 8 in HTML
Can anyone point me to some good text guides on how to use dreamweaver as well?