Dreamweaver & FTP Help.

12 Jun 2012
West Yorkshire
Hi guys.

We are currently updating out intranet page. It basically be a page with icons that go to other intranet pages. Like a holding page for example.

In the middle we have space and thinking of putting a insert from a FTP server So people can browse files and download. (Hope i haven't lost you yet). This has to be live so when we add more files it auto updates for uses simultaneously.

I have done a quick paint copy pasta how roughly they want it too look.


How easy is this to do in Dreamweaver? I it just like using a iFrame?
I have never experienced directory browsing, is this something you use?

I have managed to get this working as a simple iframe box which is rather ugly being the white boxy stuff. I am open to other suggestions. I would just add the files to the site myself and put nice looking links on there but they want it so IT don't have any further input once its live.

It will run like:
1. Manager in department adds file.
2. User goes into there own part of the Intranet
3. Their FTP folder pops up with the current iframe etc.
4. clicks and downloads.

This has to be live so when we add more files it auto updates for uses simultaneously.

You cant have a true 'live' updating site like this because you cant push out the updates to the client browsers. You would just set the page/view to refresh every few seconds though, which gives a similar feel.
You cant have a true 'live' updating site like this because you cant push out the updates to the client browsers. You would just set the page/view to refresh every few seconds though, which gives a similar feel.

Apologies, i meant that when they open up the page or refresh for example it would change. Not be having to reopen dreamweaver update the site and re publish. I would do it with the frame but its just very 90s and ugly.
What is your iframe pointing to, a folder? If so then that's directory browsing if you can see all files listed. If not then it's just a simple option in Apache if you're using that to serve http requests.

As for auto updating, depends how auto you want it really. Easiest way these days is to use websockets (http://socket.io/). Or you can just have a tiny bit of JS refresh the iframe every X seconds :p
Looks like a standard auto-generated server index. Just point the iframe to the directory and it should show up the auto generated index automatically if index.htm isn't there.
It will be pointing to the company's FTP server itself. So i am currently using:

<iframe allowtransparency="true" style="background: #FFFFFF;" src="http://ftp.dell.com/Pages/Drivers/" width="600" height="600" frameborder="1" seamless scrolling="auto"> </iframe>

Using Dell as an example. The FTP server is windows too.

Looks like a standard auto-generated server index. Just point the iframe to the directory and it should show up the auto generated index automatically if index.htm isn't there.

Just fugly like that compared to the rest of the nice blue coloured site.
Well you could generate your own index. But unless you're familiar with how to do that then I wouldn't bother. If you're savvy with javascript and the iframe domain is the same as the parent page you can inject CSS to make it look more inline with the page though :)
I don't know javascript at all. Still learning as i go though. I can meet the uglyness half way and have put the company colours as the background colours. Only problem is that its plug and it knackers up the links etc. Is it possible to change the link colours? I'm doubting it is with it just pushing through the info from the FTP.
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