Dreamweaver preview problem

4 Jan 2004
Sheffield, England
Hi Guys,

I'm knew to website making stuff and am teaching myself. I'm using dreamweaver and producing a simple frame-based site. It's only local at the moment as it's not finished.

The problem is that all of a sudden I can't preview the site in the browser. One minute I could and the next I couldn't. Each individual frame will load up in the browser (IE) but the parent frameset returns a "Page Can Not Be Displayed" Window.

I'm pulling my hair out, so please help me.
you should be able to view it as its not on a remote server...

I would check on the browsers you have installed....because you may have made an mistake therefore recieivng an error msg...

I've just created a basic two frame arrangement and it seems the problem is limited to frame-based sites. Strange as it wasn't a problem this morning. Un-framed arrangements preview fine.

I'm desperate, guys...
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