
4 Jun 2005
Okay, after a few weeks of playing with Photoshop it is really fun and easy to make and edit images..but now...

I got sick of frontpage its so annoying. I just have two questions before I do a mad google hunt for dreamweaver tutorials....

How do you create navigation bars that will stay on each page so you do not have to keep copy and pasting?


Is this a good web design software? If not, what is..?

All help appreciated, thanks.
A simple text editor with syntax highlighting is the best for webdev (xhtml etc..).
Vi or emacs is a nice choice.
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its the best WYSIWYG editor for web pages, but if you want to create in just raw code then ive used Crimson Editor for a while, nice and customisable
You have to copy and paste unless you use frames which is bad. If you have PHP then you can use PHP to call the page into a table or a DIV (not sure about the DIV).

Frames? Bleh :) It's easy to do this in Dreamweaver. Create a site, then create a template and sub-template setup (very easy to do) and Bob's your uncle. The gui can be a bit daft at times, but the template system in Dreamweaver is pretty good when dealing with a large site. The editable regions also work pretty well if you have a customer who wants to edit the content but wouldn't know div from his elbow :)
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