Dremel bits

22 Dec 2004
Southampton, UK
I have a dremel clone (cheap and cheerful) and today while doing some work on my CM mod entry i used up all the cutting disks that came with it - they were pretty crap and broke easy.

So now comes the time to buy some (proper?) new ones, i've been looking on ebay and there are 200+ piece sets for around £20, would these be any good? I've also seen diamond disks and i'm sure i've read before that diamond disks are the best option.

So any advice on what to go for, my case is aluminium?
Even the original Dremel cut-off discs break easily and wear very fast. When I was cutting a 3mm think aluminium, one disc lasted for about 10cm cut. If there is a lot of straight line cutting to do then better to use a jigsaw. I've never had the diamond cutting disc so don't know how good it is but they do cost quite a bit.
Day03 said:
Even the original Dremel cut-off discs break easily and wear very fast. When I was cutting a 3mm think aluminium, one disc lasted for about 10cm cut. If there is a lot of straight line cutting to do then better to use a jigsaw. I've never had the diamond cutting disc so don't know how good it is but they do cost quite a bit.

Although some straight the areas are a little difficult to cut with a jigsaw, maybe i'm not using the correct blade.
How much pressure are you applying to the discs? If the pitch of the motor slows down you're applying to much force.

oh the thicker cutting discs have epoxy like feel on either side, these are the heavier duty discs.
:cool: If you look about you can get cutting disks that last abit longer and do not break, the only thing is that the disks are abit thicker than the normal ones that snap all the time. ;)
What you want are the thicker cutting discs. The thinner ones snap very easily, even proper dremel ones. But one of the thicker ones (Came with a basic dremel set) has lasted me through quite a lot of cutting. Two other options that I havent tried are the diamond cutting wheels and the reinforced cutting wheels. Ideallu though you should try and use a jigsaw as much as possible instead, even if you have to get the narrower blabes to get round tight corners.
What you want are the reinforced cutting disks by dremel. They do last a lot longer and don't snap as easily yet are still thin enough to cut fast. But even these blades ware pretty fast when cutting Alu, in fact Alu seems to wear the blades faster than steel in my experience.

Id also agree with using a jigsaw where possible as it'll save a lot on cutting disks and probably do as good a job if not better. You need a really fine toothed blade for thin material. To get a cleaner cut id recommend setting the orbital action (if your jigsaw has one) to 0.

Ive recently been cutting some 5mm thick Alu checker plate with a jigsaw and it flys through it like it was wood. Id still be cutting now if id used a dremel.
The problem i had today was when extending a slot which the side panel fitted into. I was able to cut one side of it fine and then the other side woith the jigsaw but it left a bit in the middle. the width of the slot wasn't enough to for the blade to fit to cut across. so i ended up having to use the dremel clone to cut away that bit.

I also need to cut of the back part of the top panel where it bends over at a right angle to the back of the case - i can't see a way of doing this with a jigsaw
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