dremel or something like a dremel recommendations please

5 Jun 2005
high guys thought this would be the forum to post in as most of you like cutting up perfectly good cases, i would also like to join the club and looking for a dremel style kit to get me going, and recommendations would be welcome, as my cheap woolworths one has died :D
I have a Dremel 300 and love it!
But please do get some goggles, gloves and a mouth guard thingy for your protection!
I've had some near misses with shattering cutting disks and with aluminium dust particles in my eye!
I have a dremel 300 also. together with a pair of excellent goggles.

I'm not too bothered about gloves because i want to keep good dexterity when working so I just be careful with my hands, couple of burns and cuts never hurt anybody :p

Also don't own a mouth guard because i tend to keep my mouth shut most of the time, lol. But depending on what your cutting, the purifying effects can be useful.
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