Drink Spillage

7 Sep 2008
I bought a custom made laptop off overclockers about 6 months ago, can't remember the name off the top of my head. Anyway, tonight I spilt a drink on it and it turned off straight away. Dried all the standing water off and it's currently in front of a fan drying off.

What's the chances it's going to survive and any advice on what may help?
Well it was a beer and went on the keyboard but I removed everything straight away, didn't take it apart mind. I don't think it's looking good, and I'm not sure if I have accidental insurance. Well I certainly didn't pay for it, but we have certain things insured in our rooms, and I know theft is for definite, but not entirely sure if spillages count.

Oh just realised I never mentioned, I'm in halls of residence and we have endsleigh insurance if that means anything to anyone?
Turned the laptop on today after 4 days under a fan/in a warm room. Miraculously, it works fine. All keys working and the screen is fine. And that was a lot of beer, so there's hope for us all.

If this happens to anybody else I'd just advise turning it off and unplugging everything straight away. Then leave it to thoroughly dry for quite a few days.
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