Drinking alone, Is it ever a good idea?

6 Apr 2022
Ever since my partner died last year on the 1st of July 2 days after the birthday i've been sat here lost and can't get over it. I don't really know how to cope with life anymore tbh.
More events have happened but that's the big one, Therapists can say move on etc but the hole is always there isn't it.
Ever since my partner died last year on the 1st of July 2 days after the birthday i've been sat here lost and can't get over it. I don't really know how to cope with life anymore tbh.
More events have happened but that's the big one, Therapists can say move on etc but the hole is always there isn't it.
Very sorry to hear this, the answer is you don't move on fully ever, you just begin to push it to the background a bit. But 1 year is not long tbh, allow yourself to feel the way you do, it's fine don't suppress it.

Hehe, I drink alone all the time.

Just don't go overboard, with me I just get terrible hangovers from not much booze, so keeps it in check.

Don't listen to what society deems is ok or not.

All I'll say is just be conscious of how it affects others around you.

Drinking alone is fine if it’s done for the right reasons. Getting over tragedy and your problems is not one of them.

Agreed. Only drink when happy and only a glass. Leave longer drinking for company and even then nowdays it’s a couple of glasses.
Ever since my partner died last year on the 1st of July 2 days after the birthday i've been sat here lost and can't get over it. I don't really know how to cope with life anymore tbh.
More events have happened but that's the big one, Therapists can say move on etc but the hole is always there isn't it.
Worth talking to a doctor. Quite possibly, you are suffering from depression. It's entirely normal to feel extremely sad and lost after losing a partner, but there is a point where it tips beyond that into something that may require some medical assistance.

Drinking to cope is a form of self-medication, and isn't likely to be good for you ultimately.

Separately from your recent trauma, drinking alone as an enjoyable occasional activity isn't bad. Drinking alone out of need or compulsion is probably bad.
I wouldn’t do it mate, I know it’s easy for me to say that given what you are going through, but there are no positive outcomes from it. Except perhaps short term ‘relief’ (but not really). It’s not going to make you feel any better or help you come to terms with what’s happened. I’m really sorry you are having to go through this and for such a terrible loss.
Taking drugs of any sort as a crutch is not a good idea. If you or your family feel it is a problem then you should seek help.

And one of the worst being SSRI antidepressants. I know lots of people who have had brutal withdrawal from them once they stopped working, if ever they did. The double whammy would then be drinking alcohol in a vain attempt to stop the SSRI withdrawal.
Alcohol is usually a bad thing regardless. A very small amount every so often is likely fine.

Alcohol raises serotonin, dopamine and gaba levels initially, which leads to depletion in the longer term.
No drinking alone isn't a good idea generally, especially if already suffering from depression.

A year isn't a long time after losing a partner.

I don't think people 'get over it' after time. But it'll move more in to your long term memory eventually.
I just want to say that my Uncle died quite a few years ago and I know my Auntie is still torn up about it, he was only in his early 50s or something, I think 1 year is almost no time mate. Sincerely sorry for your loss.
Ever since my partner died last year on the 1st of July 2 days after the birthday i've been sat here lost and can't get over it. I don't really know how to cope with life anymore tbh.
More events have happened but that's the big one, Therapists can say move on etc but the hole is always there isn't it.
This is a problem. It will grow into a bigger problem if you don't address it now. Seek professional help as soon as possible, or you might find that you're kicking yourself that you didn't nip the problem in the bud when you could.
Sorry to hear this.i can't imagine what you're going through.

Maybe try and get out and do something? Anything. Day at the beach, out in woods. On bicycle. Even just going for a drive.

Drinking alone is not a good idea.

I know it's not as easy as 'just do x' I really do. Depression runs in my family and I have to keep on top of it all the time. My mum is bad and she can't be told. She's literally bed ridden. Don't end up like that.

All I can say is seek help, and try everything positive. Anything different you haven't tried. But don't turn to drink and drugs!

It will always be there. Over time you'll think of it less as feelings grow more numb. 1 year isn't long at all. Just put energy into healing the right way.
A therapist will never say 'just move on'.
Learning how to deal with emotions is the crux of the profession - I advise you to seek one out. Its not a cure but it offers emotional understanding, something alcohol will never achieve.
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