Drive faster to relieve "frustration".

30 Jul 2006
Speed limits through most roadworks on England's motorways will be raised to increase traffic flow and ease driver "frustrations".

Highways England says raising the limit to 60mph from the usual 50mph comes after "extensive research and trials". The AA welcomed the move, saying it would reduce journey times and help reduce tailgating by motorists.

Previously, unions have said increasing speeds through roadworks will put the safety of workers at risk.

Limits will not necessarily be increased at every set of roadworks. Depending on the road layout and the work being done, 40mph and 50mph restrictions will continue to be used in places. (LINK)
One downside to this is that drivers will "tailgate" at a higher speed; on the other hand, since the speed limit may be 60, 50 or 40 MPH, extra revenue will be earned through fining motorists who get it wrong ;)
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