Drive home from work - Field Crop

18 Oct 2002
Dunno if its wheat or corn or whatever, but i took this on the way home from work today. Opinions please. I've used PS for Hue/Saturation and just general tweeking.


Camera was a small Casio EX-Z850 8 Mega Pixel cam. Forgot my lead for my Fuji S5500 so canne get them till friday evening :(




Cropped version:
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reddeathdrinker said:
I'm view no. 28 apparently....

Very bold - nice sharp ear of "whatever it is" in the foreground, I like the use of DOF, blurring out the background to enhance the foreground. Only thing I might say is maybe a tighter crop on the in-focus ear in the foreground? Chop off the left 1/3 of the piccy?

Whey! Thanks for the comments!! :)

I see your point about the 'focus' of the photo being to the right, i was always told to offset the focus to 'let the eye wonder' round the photo so to speak. I'll have a go at cropping it now and see what i think!

thansk for your comments :)
-=BAF=-AXE said:
love that picture mate a lot!

would look lovely as a desktop any chance of a nice high res?


What resolution you after? I'll re-size it for you without the boarder :)

posted new cropped version
Guys, thanks for the kind comments.

I'm supprised by the little casio too, its a really good piece of kit!! :)

It has been edited in PS, but i cant rememebr for the life of me what i did!!! :(
I'm trying to do the same to the others :(
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