DrivePool help

18 Oct 2002
Just wondering if anyone knows how to do this.

I've got 5 drives on the pool which its filling equally. But there's 1 drive I want it to leave x amount of space as this is the download to drive.

Any tips on how i do this? looked into the balance options and and that only seems to apply settings across all and not a specific drive.

No idea about your exact requirement in drive pool - but normally single files are kept to a single disk, so could create a fixed virtual disk (VHDX) via disk management at desired size and then mount that as an additional drive letter, while it would add extra layers for a simple downloads folder I'd of thought this was fine performance wise.
sorry guys forgot about this :)

Doesn't look like its supported at the mo. I think like ecks mentioned i'm best creating a drive partition and keeping that part off the pool.

thanks again
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