Driveway gates + automation options

  • Thread starter Thread starter Jez
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18 Oct 2002
A long shot but it is always good to hear of others experiences, i have never bought gates before so know nothing;

Does anybody have any recommended suppliers or pointers when it comes to driveway gates? What board thickness do i want? Will 15mm T&G, with say 40*90mm bracing be too flimsy?

I am looking at 6ft height swan neck, approx 12ft span.

I am also looking at remote automation options, and fancy a cellular network activation module rather than RF. Again, does anybody here have any pointers with regards to this?

Does anybody have any hardware pointers or indeed anything they experienced when self fitting a set of gates?

Worth asking, even if i get 0 replies :)
Just about to get my gates replaced in the next few weeks - they are being made as we speak.

Whereabouts are you based ? - maybe able to put you in touch with some suppliers.


wood and automation is a bit meh.

U would want steel frame at least, have you any experience at all ??
As i say in my opening post, i know nothing :) Everyone around here has wooden automated gates, could you expand on the meh comment? Maybe i should go door knocking and go after local knowledge and see what neighbours have done.

What i do know is that i want wooden gates, framed, swan neck, 12ft span, with automation via cellular.
T&G with wood frame in winter will warp all over the place.
The reason why Steel frame in T&G is to allow movement of the T&G for expansion.

Also - for the size of gate (wind creates massive loads on the gate design you wish to use), the rams will also add to the warping of the gates.

Is the 12ft span overall ?
yeah, actually it is 140 inches so a shade under.

I don't think anybody elses gates have a steel frame, and none of the items i see for sale generally have steel in them?

These are our current wooden gates. They have warped over time, and now dont close properly. If you can get metal gates. Or at least a strong metal frame, with wooden inserts.

I can recommend an excellent company in St.Albans, who are currently manufacturing my replacement. They are very competitive, and can do all the automation etc.


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