Driving a 24" 1920x1200 display from an MB/MBP?

23 Jan 2004
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Alright guys,

I'm looking at getting either a MacBook or MacBook Pro sometime soon and was wondering how capable they would be of driving a 1920x1200 display (possibly running high def video in full screen while I work on the laptop display)?

Any personal experiences of doing this would be greatly appreciated.

Cheers, sounds like it might be doable then.

I can't live without FireWire but now the 13" MacBook (now Pro) has FireWire again that could be a good shout.

Thanks again.
Just to sum up:

VGA = 1600x1200
DVI = 1900x1200
Dual link DVI = crazy big

Cheers for clearing this up EVH, I knew the limitations of VGA but that answers another question I'd have further down the line RE: whether I'd need the dual-link adapter.

All sounds pretty promising. I was thinking about replacing my desktop as well as my laptop this summer but if I can run everything on the 24" as well as the MacBook screen I can probably do without.

Re: the Mini-DisplayPort on the Alu MBP, I assume an adapter's available for me to hook up via DVI?
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