Driving about the roads like a real PEEPAL - nice simulators

13 Jul 2006
Hell!! \m/
Not into this Needing Speed or 24hr stuff. Wannna get a G25-27 - t500rs and let me little men drive about at the limits n lights. What driving/racing sims are good that you can just have fun over LAN (pretend we nicked em)(

18 wheeels of steel
EURO Truvk sim

(GTA w/ mods) - gitta be cluthable too (oh yeah lulz make USAers do man aint trans----exual. but anyway my real car the bizzies took but givin em a slap, not easy being a gangster (scared to lrsbr home or use the toilet - no one looks upto me so I am gunna get a madsetup,,
Most games see,,,, also hate buying a gamer rtheb buying AGAIN just got
Was playing POLICE SIMULATOR ON BICYCLE was arrested. IN black, fake pistrol on bike waited for mate then I had to pursue him. Have sirens and blue/red lights..... indicators too and raced through town door hit him..... so in the middde of the road I stop, kickstand, hazards and get off.....

I pointed a fake gun then 2 police jump on me. I had my phone docked pretending I was on there comm thing (RADIO REF - US).

Told police I was undercover, fake ID and this guy was a wanted rapist, as I went off - they found I was a retard...
Impersonaating police is illegal
illegal lights
dangerious cycling
drug pocession
un explainable money (let off)
Would not allow comp/phone scan

Called in a favour at the office to end the pursuit they left me. So my bike is awesome, all lights up. Even a backlight that is white for moving back and I am installling parking sensors
hey, I no use al in on it - callin da police to ave me waided.

Heh, the matrix van tried to raid me, LOL WAT? I was all pumped n big n musclurer n Serban and was like "come ed"? What are they gunna do ? Just sent em packin now. gunna carry on with "***** *** **** bashed *** in the *** ****b young lads with abs from Asda

Was out last night and saw some big 'ard Serbian lad causing trouble! Wouldn't wanna be on the receiving end of them. Took about 6-7 police to calm him down, there's not much they can do.

In their country everyones sumosize and drives little Clios that struggle to move their body weight.

Jim Hopper
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