Driving an auto (hybrid)

9 Mar 2008
Hello, my dad got a new Qashqai E-power (hybrid) and he is having trouble driving it. I don't drive so wondering if anyone could help:


When you come up to a set of lights, I would have thought he would put it into park and use the handbrake, but he's saying when he did that yesterday the car wouldn't move and got very flustered with people beeping at him to move. He's also had issues with sitting at lights with his foot on the brake and the car lurching forward (presumably still in gear/D) and nearly rear-ending the car in front.

I'm just curious what the correct procedure should be, I understand the Qashqai is very popular (legit see them everywhere) so hopefully someone here can help :).

He isn't using the e-pedal or the EV mode, he is driving it like a regular automatic but is now a bit scared (he's in his early 70s) to drive it.

It's a Motability car for my sister, I feel terrible as I encouraged him to go for the e-power version and now wish he just stuck with the regular one :/

Many thanks!
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