Driving Test (Practical)

15 Aug 2003
I have my driving test on Tuesday this week.

I bought a small car just over a month ago, insured it and have practised in it, as well as having lessons from an instructor. My instructor says I'm ready for my test and should pass if I keep my wits about me. Well that's the thing, I'm absolutely bricking it. The main reason is because in my penultimate lesson yesterday, I was awful, and I mean AWFUL. The only things I got right were manouvers. I was missing gears, missing road signs, hesitating and was generally a bag of nerves.

So, are there any tips you guys can give me that might help me get through this test (aside from driving properly), because I need to find a way of keeping calm. Yesterday was a nightmare and I don't want that to happen on my test, even though I don't doubt my ability.
Thanks for the replies and suggestions, I'm sure they will help me in some way.

I already chew chewing gum whilst on lessons. I find it helps a lot. I don't really like bananas but I'm willing to get some just for that if it really will help.

As for pretending its just another lesson, I'm not sure about that. I mean how do you fool yourself into thinking you're taking a test?
I just don't want to fail, I would hate it. I know it's not the end of the world and yeah, I can take another test but failing would be horrible.

I have an hours lesson before my test on Tuesday to prepare. Tomorrow at work is going to go soooo slowly.
Well I failed my test, or atleast so the examiner said. Personally I think I've been VERY hard done by. Sure I was nervous and made quite a few tiny errors and got 13 minors, mostly at roundabouts as I was a little anxious, gear changes mainly.

Anyway, I failed on my reverse turn of all things! These I have always got right on lessons, almost perfect. I got 2 serious faults. 1 for control - I went wide going round the corner and had to come back in, but still on the correct side of the road, and ended up parking perfectly. This particular corner was very unforgiving and the curb was pretty much a 90 degree shape, hence the need to go wide. The other serious was for a pick-up coming past as I was swinging round the corner. He told me it was there, even though I knew it already and took action. He marked me down for verbal under ETA and gave me another serious. I saw the car and stopped, in doing so I never endangered myself or the approaching car, so I don't see where the problem is? I argued at the end but the ******* wasn't having any of it.

To say I'm furious is an understatement and to top it all off I can expect to wait till May 30th for another test and the test fee is now £48 on it's own! A waste of money if you get an examiner like I did today!

I'm so very angry.
Like I said, the minors were mainly due to nerves and anxiety. I believe I was ready, so did my instructor. Aside from one lesson leading up to the test my driving was pretty good.

The examiner didn't point out any weak areas, he just said you went wide on the turn and I had to alert you to a car coming (which I saw and acted upon, the driver didn't have to slow or change direction). No other feedback than that, which to me says my driving wasn't that bad.
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