Driving theory test!

20 Jun 2005
Got it this coming Saturday at 10:30AM. Im well worried. All i have read is a book on the highway code. I'm mostly worried about hazard and perception.

does anyone have revision tips etc? Any useful websites for H&P? I can't find nowt.

Thanks a lot. ;)
Ah, the ol' bannana is great before any exam, been doing it since my SAT's ages back...

As for the actual theory, do you think reading the highway code is enough?
Thanks for all the links. I haven't got any CD roms, just one DVD which the DSA sent me along with confirmation of my booking..
Purchased a CD- ROM from the internet last night...should come tommorow, which should give me enough time :). Keep your fingers crossed for me!
Hope its going well for you lukechad. My CD's didn't turn up today, so im guesing they should be here by tommorow. Im only really worried about H&P now..
Congrats on passing lukechad..my CD roms came today..great help so far im doing quite well in the tests. haz and per. isnt as hard as i thought..
thanks...those CD roms really helped me its unbelievable. All those questions which came up i had already done like 200 times on the cd roms...some of them were worded exactly the same..

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