Driving through a flood. How deep?

22 Dec 2008
I think the air intake is the most vulnerable bit. Any crude rules of thumb? Is a wheel height of water likely to hurt it? Can a 125 cope with deeper water than a hatchback?

I need to get to Cornwall in the next few days and it's quite wet. Cheers :)
The plan there is to watch someone else try the water first, and as a last resort, wade out to see how far up my legs it goes. Your advice is sound though
I'll go easy on the brakes, cheers. Accelerating when it threatens to stall has worked so far, don't fancy pushing it out of the water if it stalls.

I've made it as far as Bristol, so only 180 miles to go. So far I've gone in a little over the foot pegs and discovered my boots aren't quite waterproof enough for that. Going well :)
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