Driving to work, traffic or long route?

18 Oct 2002
I can take 2 routes to work, 1 is about 3 miles along the main road and takes about 15mins all stop start traffic.

Or i can take dual charageway and country lane to get here which is about 12miles but at constant 60mph ish

I assume route 1 will use less petrol but route 2 is better for the car?
to be honest there not good conntry roads, and theres always police cars hiding somewhere. But i think agw is right sitting in traffic really is a pain and its more enjoyable.

The only downside is if i get congestion on the long way i could be late, as its pretty much the same on the other road.

The only bad thing is to go home i have to hit traffic as the access road off the country lane is 1 way :(
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